Thursday, October 02, 2008

Karo zyada ka iraada - Interesting ad

At first it was the jingle that caught my attention and made me look up at the Max New york life insurance ad..

'khaab ko kya chaahiye? rang thode zyaada..........karle dil zyaada ka iraada' ....seemed like a zesty Amit kumar in the early 80s singing away for some obscure movie under Pancham's/Bhappi's guidance :-)

Then I realised it's an ad. The ad concept is no doubt this page below points out, A wants to be B, B wants to be C, C wants to be D and D in turn wants to be A. Take a look:

But what's got me hooked on is the jingle. I am sure the composers intended a tribute to the retro kings of Indian music. If so (and even if that wasn't so) they've won. The interludes, the yoodle, the instruments and the singing - all full marks!!

What an idea sir-jee!!

ps: Talking of Pancham and obscure, I sometimes feel its upon us hardcore fans of the late wizard to popularise some of his work from the 80s that, very unfortunately, went un-heard due to various reasons, chief of which was that they were used in bad movies. So, I want to introduce one such song 'Ye kori kawari karaari nazar' from the 80s Sunny Deol movie Samundar, sung by Kishore. I've listened to it no less than a dozen times from the past week, it's an ear-worm!
Give it a listen. Total dhing-chak! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Any idea who's sung this jingle? Been wondering a long time.